Form 990 - Core Form - Part VI

John Vazzana CPA PLLC is a boutique accounting firm specializing in serving not for profit and tax exempt Organizations. At JVCPA PLLC, we recognize the needs of not for profit organizations and the challenges in succeeding in this economic climate. Please browse our website for more information. We specialize in, and work exclusively with, nonprofit organizations ("NPOs").  NPOs differ, in many respects, from their for profit counterparts.  With our expertise, specifically in nonprofit audits, reviews and Form 990 preparation, we are able to assist our clients with the ever changing requirements that nonprofit and tax exempt organizations face.  In addition to being members of the AICPA, the NYSSCPAs and the NJSCPAs we also serve on various industry committees which keeps us on top of any changes that may affect nonprofits. Our specialization also meansefficiency, which in turn, means a cost saving for our client organizations.  We strive to keep fees down by a combination of efficiencies on our end, and client integration in the audit process on your end. We also understand the need for nonprofit organizations to maintain a budget. That is why we strive to provide a flat-fee quote for services upfront. By consistency we mean the same professionals will be working on your engagement from year to year. Your time is valuable.  Our desire is to have your audit (or other engagement) as seamless and as unintrusive as possible.

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